Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by Gaybutton »


Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by firecat69 »

I actually like Kasich but he should not have supported the Republican for his old seat . He better than most understands Trump has to be stopped and putting another Lap Dog in the House will not accomplish that.
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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by Gaybutton »

firecat69 wrote:He better than most understands Trump has to be stopped
I like how Trump is taking credit for this vote. A formerly staunch Republican area damned near lost. I'm glad many more people than only Kasich are finally waking up and seeing Trump for what he is and what he is doing to the USA - along with what he's doing to the world.

In the following quote, the name John Iselin could easily and appropriately be replaced with another name - Donald Trump.

"I think, if John Iselin were a paid Soviet agent, he could not do more to harm this country than he's doing now."
Senator Jordan, "The Manchurian Candidate" - original book by Richard Condon
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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by Gaybutton »


Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by fountainhall »

I have now finished the book I mentioned earlier - “Collusion: Secret Meetings, Dirty Money and how Russia helped Donald Trump Win” by Luke Harding. I can't pretend I fully understood all the detail but it is extensively researched. It is also perfectly obvious that Trump has been in hock to the Russian mafia since the 1980s. Since the crash in 2008 when no other bank would go near him, Deutsche Bank was the only one to do so. A perfectly respectable bank, one might think. Except that all the money that was funnelled to the Trump Organisation came exclusively from the Moscow branch of Deusche Bank.

As the book ends, it summarises what we already know.

In his campaign team and government
"wherever you look, there is a Russian trace. Trump's pick for Secretary of State? Rex Tillerson, a figure known and trusted in Moscow and recipient of the Order of Friendship. Nartional security adviser? Michael Flynn, Putin's dinner companion and a beneficiary of undeclared Russian fees. Campaign Manager? Paul Manafort, longtime confidant to ex-foreign oligarchs. Foreign policy adviser? Carter Page, an alleged Moscow asset who gave documents to Putin's spies. Commerce Secretary? Wilbur Ross, an entrepreneur with Russia-connected investments. Personal lawyer? Michael Cohen, who sent emails to Putin's press secretary. Business partner? Feliz Sater, son of a Russian American mafia boss. And other personalities, too."
Wilbur Ross does not figure so much in recent revelations. He has direct ties to Putin's son-in-law through investments in Navigator Holdings, a shipping company transporting gas for a giant Russian energy company named Sibur whose owners include oligarchs and the Putin in-law. They also include Putin's judo partner! Ross's private investment companies own 31% of the shares through a complex of hidden companies.

He was also a Board member of the Bank of Cyprus, a well-known front for cash from the Ukraine and from Russian oligarchs and its mafia. As the bank neared insolvency, he persuaded his fellow Board members to place its remaining assets in Russian hands. As a result, he saved the bank and became its vice-chairman. Former KGB agent Vladimir Strzhalkovskiy became the other vice chairman and various Russian oligarchs joined the Board.

Hopefully he has been on Mueller's radar for a long time.

As if that were not enough, there are all the Russians apart from Putin whom Trump has associated himself with over the years. One who has come to the fore is oligarch Dmitry Rybolovlev. As the housing market crashed in the USA in 2008, he purchased Trump's Florida mansion. Trump had paid around $45 million for it 4 years earlier. Rybolovlev paid $95 million, never lived there and later had it demolished. Laundering Russian oligarch billions appears to have been one of Trump's real estate specialities. During the Presidential campaign, Rybolovlev's private plane was spotted on the tarmac at several US airports. Was it mere coincidence that most times it was parked next to Trump's private plane?

Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by fountainhall »

A scathing attack on Trump on Don Lemon's CNN programme this morning by Ronald Reagan's daughter Petti Davis in which she unequivocally compared how Trump came to power with Hitler, and how, immediately after, the lack of opposition from his own party and his attacks on naysayers is exactly how Hitler behaved. (Note: this comparison was confined to Hitler's rise to and assumption of supreme leadership - not what he did thereafter).
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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by Gaybutton »

fountainhall wrote:A scathing attack on Trump on Don Lemon's CNN programme this morning
How about posting a link? I can't find it.

Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by fountainhall »

Someone has just posted a link from a private taping. I cannot find the official CNN video yet. The key section is from 1'24" to 2'20". The sound is very low.

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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by Gaybutton »

fountainhall wrote:Someone has just posted a link from a private taping.
It would be nice if you could actually hear it. The volume is so low I thought I had muted my speakers.

Once the official video becomes available, let's post that one and I'll delete this one.

Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by fountainhall »

The key words she speaks following some clips of Trump's rants against fake news and the crooked media are (as far as I can hear) -

Lemon: "How dangerous is this tone?"
PR: "You know, here's the thing. Donald Trump and the people around him told us what they were going to do. Steve Bannpn talked about blowing things up and tearing things down and - what was it? - something like deconstructing the administrative state - or something like that. They told us what they were going to do.

"Donald Trump stood in front of people, the press, America and talked about how bad America was right now and he alone could fix it. They told us what they were going to do in the same way that Nazi Germany . . . Hitler told people what they were going to do and assumed that no-one was going to get in his way. Donald Trump has assumed that no-one would get in his way. So far, if you look at the silence of Congress, he's right."
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