Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by Gaybutton »

My own opinion: 800,000 government workers are about to have to go without pay because of one mentally unbalanced man's whim. I don't know why USA law is such that it is even possible for the president to unilaterally do this. It's not just government workers who are affected, but the entire country that will have to go without government services. Is Congress actually going to permit Trump to ruin people's lives and hold the entire country hostage while using government workers as pawns?

Congress needs to either impeach Trump or invoke the 25th amendment and get him out of office before it's too late and he ruins people's lives and destroys the country. For what?

I hope enough people will contact their congressmen and senators and make it crystal clear - if you don't get Trump out, then next election you're out.

Inside Trump's turbulent meeting with Democrats

Kaitlan Collins, CNN

January 10, 2019

President Trump was in a chummy mood when he entered the Situation Room this afternoon, according to a source familiar with how things unfolded.

He passed out candy and told congressional leaders they would find a letter at each of their chairs that laid out the administration's shutdown priorities. This was an updated list after the back-and-forth with Democrats over the weekend, CNN is told.

Then, with the letters stating their position in front of them, White House officials asked Democrats where their position stood.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi informed the President she was concerned about ports of entry, something which he agreed with. Trump said there was money allotted in the administration's priority list that beefed up the ports of entry. But Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, also seated at the table, interjected to say that even if the ports of entry eliminated all drug smuggling, smugglers would find another way in, which is why the barrier structure is important.

That's when things became heated. Pelosi and Trump argued how there are women with electrical tape on their bodies smuggling drugs across the border, coming across where there is no barrier and not at the ports of entry.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer jumped in to stress the importance of opening up the government and then negotiating on border security funding form there. Trump then asked Democrats if he opened up the parts of the government that are shut down, if Pelosi would be willing to build a barrier. She declined. He left.

After Trump left the room, Pelosi and Schumer got up to leave. Vice President Mike Pence then asked for a counter offer from Democrats — asking what are they willing to work on because then the White House would have a better idea to move forward. They didn't offer one, something that has frustrated White House officials since they first privately offered less than $5.6 billion the day after the government first shut down.

Where things stand: A White House official says no other meeting with Pelosi has been scheduled at this time, and a national emergency declaration is still on the table. ... index.html

When it comes to Trump, for some strange reason I'm reminded of the following:

"People keep telling me - you're a worthless piece of slime."
- James Cagney (New York Police Commissioner Rhinelander Waldo), 'Ragtime'

Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by fountainhall »

I watched Pompeo's speech to an Egyptian University last night - and I cringed throughout. It was not just the constant references to the great Trump. The casting of Iran as the great Satan may have a considerable degree of truth. But continually contrasting that with the US "always having been a force for good in the region" was not just the height of arrogance and totally idiotic. Historically speaking it was a total fabrication. Publicly denouncing Obama's earlier policy in the region will have had Trump crowing.

Iran was one of the first countries in that region to introduce democracy - that form of government the USA continuously proclaims to be the great ideal. And who ensured Iran's democracy was snuffed out? America and its allies who engineered the 1953 coup against the elected Prime Minister, Mossadeq. In his place, they propped up the corrupt and increasingly anti-democratic Shah. That policy and the US turning the other cheek to the Shah's disastrous view of human rights led directly to the rise of support for and ultimately the return of Khomeini and the rule of the mullahs.

Come to think of it, who propped up Iraq in its long and ghastly 8 year war with Iran? The USA and its allies. And who then turned against Iraq? The USA and its allies. Unilaterally, the US killed a 6-nation deal re Iran's nuclear ambitions that all experts agree was actually working. China, Russia, Britain, France and Germany had also signed that agreement. But the US seems to believe it has a divine right to determine what is right and what is wrong, and to hell with its partners.

In many other parts of the world the US has been a huge force for good. The Marshall Plan was a stroke of genius, even though propping up a devastated Europe was essential to US interests in combatting the forward march of Soviet communism. Its Middle East policies, like many of those of Britain and other countries, have been a virtual disaster.

An Egyptian intellectual noted on Twitter. "Pompeo's Cairo speech was one of the worst foreign policy speeches I've witnessed from a senior U.S. official. It was cynical, petty, incoherent, small, and, well, silly."

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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

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Is this garbage being taught as history in US schools? Never even heard Trump speaking as much nonsense as Pompeo has here. "never been an oppressor". Oh please, if it were not so sad I'd be doubled over laughing.
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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by Gaybutton »

Want to see a 77 item (and counting) list of things Trump's shutdown is doing to the USA? And this man is President?

My question to Trump supporters is very simple - What the hell's the matter with you?

Why can't people see that Trump, in order to get what he wants, is trying to blackmail the entire country, along with Congress. I don't want so much as 1 cent of my tax money to go toward Trump's wall, but I would be totally in favor of that 5-billion, along with however much it takes, to get all these federal workers back on their feet again - and not from loans, but from gives. For the people who are going to have to survive without an income, it's going to be like the Great Depression all over again.

I don't know why the entire country isn't vehemently demanding to get Trump out of office.

All those people who supported Trump - remember that old saying about being careful what you wish for? Your wish came true. Are you happy?

I'm glad to see what Trump is doing to "Make America Great Again." This is making America great? Seems to me that's going to be the job for the next president. To undo the damage Trump has caused, along with the nearly 2 years he has left to cause much more, undoing the damage will probably take the next several administrations.

Along with all the damage the shutdown is doing, what about these hundreds of thousands of people who are now forced to live with no income? And Trump doesn't seem to give a damn. And a great many are being forced to work without pay. Correct me if I'm wrong, but having to work without pay - isn't that called slavery?

Look at the list folks - if you can manage to get through all 77 items without vomiting. ... index.html
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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by fountainhall »

Pence's stupidity in continuously parroting his master's voice really made him look yet more idiotic yesterday.

This HOURS AFTER an ISIS suicide bomber killed four Americans in Syria.
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Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by Gaybutton »

fountainhall wrote:Pence's stupidity in continuously parroting his master's voice really made him look yet more idiotic yesterday.
More idiotic? I didn't know that was even possible.

What can you say about a man whose wife teaches at a school that bans students if they or their parents are gay? And one look at her and I can understand why people are gay.

"Where did he get that wife of his, at a Halloween party? Let me ask you something, does he actually have to fuck that woman? God help him."
- George Carlin

Re: Consequences of Trump's Win - 5

Post by fountainhall »

Isn't there some legislation that would ban that dreadful Pence woman's school from its bigoted questionnaire? Can't it be denied funding?
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