Gay Marriage Next Target for Anti Abortion Extremist

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Gay Marriage Next Target for Anti Abortion Extremist

Post by fountainhall »

I'll let this story speak for itself. This right wing anti-abortion homophobe extremist is succeeding in her meticulously planned campaign to have US states overturn abortion rights. But the LGBT community cannot sit back. Gay marriage is next in this witch's sights.
Janet Porter successfully lobbied Ohio’s legislature to pass one of the strictest abortion bans in the world this month, a “heartbeat bill”, which would make the procedure illegal at about six weeks into gestation. And for Porter, Ohio is the latest step in a fight she is taking global.

For nine years Porter lobbied on the fringes of the abortion debate. The six-week ban was not supported by mainstream anti-abortion groups, such as Ohio Right to Life. It was vetoed twice by a Republican governor, who argued it would contradict settled law on abortion. The bill, and often Porter herself, were considered too extreme.

But with two recently appointed supreme court justices nominated by Donald Trump and a growing number of anti-abortion federal judges, Porter’s law has now been introduced in 11 states and passed by legislatures in four more, as conservatives seek to mount a frontal challenge to Roe v Wade, the 1973 court decision which legalized abortion across America.

“[This is] an easy thing for the supreme court to embrace,” Porter said in an interview with the Guardian. “All they have to do is move the marker from the unscientific marker to the scientific marker of heartbeat, which is inches away from our goal of when our lives begin at conception.”

Doctors argue the term “heartbeat bill” is medically inaccurate, because at six weeks an embryo’s limbs are still paddle-like nubs, and pulsing tissues have yet to form chambers of the heart. This is before most women even know they are pregnant . . .

In the 1990s, she took a job in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, with another group now designated as an anti-LGBT hate group, the D James Kennedy Ministries. She crafted a campaign around gay conversion therapy, which won her acclaim from social conservatives.

The 1998 campaign claimed “former homosexuals” could convert to heterosexuality after attending “ex-gay ministries”. Porter called it “Truth in Love”. Recognizing the harm such programs can cause, gay conversion therapy is now illegal in many states, including in parts of Florida and Ohio . . .

She also said she continues to oppose gay rights, hinting that her ambitions for the US still have scope far beyond the abortion debate.

In her opinion, Obergefell v Hodges – the supreme court case which legalized gay marriage across the US – had not “settled the issue any more than Roe v Wade settled the issue of abortion”. ... roe-v-wade
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Re: Gay Marriage Next Target for Anti Abortion Extremist

Post by Gaybutton »

Janet Porter

"Have you ever noticed that most of these people against abortion are people you wouldn't want to fuck in the first place?"
- George Carlin

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