Indonesia travel alert

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Re: Indonesia travel alert

Post by Undaunted »

aussie wrote:

Definitely off my travel plans.
Disgusting! Surprised this ran in Russia's propaganda rag.....must be meant as a warning.
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Re: Indonesia travel alert

Post by Gaybutton »

'Never seen anything like this':
Inside Indonesia's LGBT crackdown

By Ben Westcott, CNN

June 1, 2017

(CNN) In less than 18 months, being gay in Indonesia has gone from widely tolerated to just plain dangerous.

An unprecedented wave of police raids, vigilante attacks, and calls for the criminalization of homosexual sex have left many in the country's LGBT community fearing for their safety.

"(Gay Indonesians) are exhausted and they're horrified," Kyle Knight, a Human Rights Watch researcher with the LGBT rights program, told CNN.
"Even the activists I know who started the very first organizations in the 1980s say they've never seen anything like this."

It's a dark turn for a country that for decades prided itself on its diverse, heterogeneous society.

The world's largest Muslim democracy, Indonesia is often considered something of a bulwark of tolerance amid growing conservatism elsewhere in the Islamic world.

But that perception is now shifting, amid increasing verbal attacks on minority groups and the growing implementation of Islamic bylaws by regional governments.

In less than two weeks, two young men were seized by vigilantes who burst into their home in Aceh province, then taken to authorities who caned them for having homosexual sex.

In a separate incident, later in the month, attendees at an alleged gay party in a Jakarta sauna were arrested and images of their faces were disseminated online by Indonesian police.

Homosexual sex is not illegal in the majority of Indonesia, except in the extremely conservative province of Aceh. Jakarta is not part of any province; it is controlled by the central government.

One week ago, West Java Police Chief Anton Charliyan announced that he would create a special task force to crack down on LGBT people.
"They will face the law and heavy social sanctions. They will not be accepted by society," he said.

Homosexuality tolerated, not accepted

It wasn't always this way.

Despite being a Muslim-majority country, only small parts of Indonesia — such as Aceh province — follow strict Islamic law.

Same-sex relations have never been illegal either, even if a 2013 Pew survey found that 93% of the country refused to accept homosexuality.

Jonta Saragih a former LGBT activist from Sumatra, now studying in the UK, said while his family weren't quick to accept him when he came out, Indonesians used to have a live and let live attitude to their country's LGBT population.

"[Even] a few years ago, when I was in Jakarta, though homosexuality was not recognized by the law, there was no one talking about it," he told CNN.
Indonesian human rights activist Tunggal Pawestri corroborates this notion that homosexuality was previously frowned upon but tolerated.

"Since my childhood I was told that LGBT people are sinful, being a homosexual is sinful but of course ... it doesn't mean you have to criminalize them," she said.

So what changed?

Gay rights worse than 'nuclear war'

The problems began in early 2016, when a number of high-profile Indonesian politicians, including several government ministers, suddenly started to make unprompted attacks on Indonesia's LGBT community.

Among them was the Defense Minister, Ryamizard Ryacudu, who said Indonesia's LGBT movement was more dangerous than "a nuclear war."
"In a nuclear war, if a bomb is dropped over Jakarta, Semarang will not be affected -- but (with LGBT rights) everything we know could disappear in an instant -- it's dangerous," he said, according to the state Antara news agency.

Soon, the country's medical professionals joined in. The Indonesian Psychiatrists Association issued a statement in February saying people who were gay or bisexual had "psychiatric problems."

By August, a group of conservative activists had taken a case to the Constitutional Court to call for homosexual sex to be made illegal in Indonesia.

Knight said it's hard to tell why the sudden wave of anti-LGBT feeling swelled up across the country, but where it was heading appeared much clearer.

"This is fueled not just by bigotry and misunderstanding but by public officials ... I think that's the really scary thing as we go forward. It's fair game to go after LGBT people in Indonesia," he said.

More than a dozen gay dating apps, including Grindr, were banned in Indonesia in late 2016, Jonta said, making it harder for gay men and women to communicate with each other.

"(I have) some good friends ... we started discussing these issues on social media, eventually some of them deleted me on Facebook. They said we are not friends anymore," Jonta said.

Conservative Islam is a growing political force in Indonesia. The arrest and later conviction of former Jakarta governor Basuki 'Ahok' Tjahaja Purnama in April this year, on charges of blasphemy, followed huge protests instigated by conservative groups.

Pawestri blamed vocally conservative politicians and an "irresponsible" media for the rise in anti-LGBT rhetoric.

"Before LGBT Indonesians had quite a lot of confidence, now they're very careful and cry to me, calling me at night. We've been trying to do whatever we can to avoid (criminalization)," Pawestri said.

Showdown at the Constitutional Court

Criminalization might be closer than most would expect.

Since August, a team of lawyers has been arguing in Indonesia's Constitutional Court, on behalf of 12 individuals, to change the criminal code.

Prosecution legal team spokesman, Feizal Syahmenan, told CNN they would like three articles changed in the criminal code -- one to outlaw sex outside of marriage, one to outlaw homosexual rape and one to outlaw homosexual sex entirely.

Two of those 12 individuals are members of the AILA, the Family Love Alliance, a prominent conservative Islamic group.

Syahmenan told CNN homosexuality is just not Indonesian.

"All of these three (laws) are totally wrong and against Indonesian norms and values," he said. "We're not trying to push for implementation of Sharia (Islamic) law."

If the Constitutional Court finds in favor of criminalization, it would still need to be passed by Indonesia's Parliament before it would take effect, but Knight said it would put huge public pressure on the country's politicians to follow through.

"There are some dark storm clouds on the horizon. If you read the transcripts on the hearings that have taken place since last August, you don't see (judges) pushback from the bench (on witnesses) ... they ask more questions, 'tell us more about the evils of homosexuality'," he said.

"It's ominous, it's very, very threatening."

Hearings concluded in February, with a verdict expected after June, according to Syahmenan.

Where is Joko Widodo?

One politician who has been mostly silent amid the ongoing discrimination against LGBT citizens in Indonesia has been Indonesian President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo.

When he was elected in 2014, there was a huge sense of optimism around Widodo who was considered a "progressive force" for the nation.
But amid the nationwide crackdown on LGBT people, the president has only spoken out once in their defense.

"There should be no discrimination against anyone," Widodo told the BBC in October 2016, adding "the police must act" against any attempts to harm LGBT people.

But he then added that in Indonesia, "beliefs (generally) do not allow (LGBT), Islam does not allow it."

Human rights activist Pawestri said many gay Indonesians have been disappointed by Widodo's lackluster defense of their rights. "LGBT people realize that his silence means no protection from the government, and this is totally unjust," she said.

Even if Widodo wanted to help, Knight said it could cost him huge political capital, something he might be reluctant to spend ahead of his 2019 reelection campaign.

"(They) could really do a lot of good by coming out and issuing a statement of support ... They're taking a very cowardly and silent stance, letting it go forward ... Until someone puts a lid on this, it's going to keep unraveling," he said.

Battle for Indonesia's soul

Knight said nothing will change until those in authority stand up for the rights of gay citizens across Indonesia.

"We need some leadership here ... Is there any chance [the crackdown] is going to stop? Of course, but it's going to take a constitutional court actually upholding the constitution, it's going to take members of the cabinet stepping out and saying, 'no this is not how we behave,' it's going to take the President," he said.

Syahmenan said the battle over the gay Indonesians' rights was about reaffirming "Indonesian norms and values," adding legal same-sex relations were a relic of colonial rule.

He said gay and lesbian people are a danger to the future of Indonesia. "Look at the children, they like to imitate or copy what the adults do. If they see free sex practices or LGBT, they may think that the practices are something fun and cool," he said.

Despite the current situation, Jonta still believes the future could be bright for Indonesia's LGBT citizens.

"I have this willingness to continue to fight for a better Indonesia. To fight for inclusiveness. Of course it will be more difficult for us to continue the work of human rights," he said.

"We are getting oppressed, even our social media and our websites ... but I would say I'm still optimistic."

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Re: Indonesia travel alert

Post by fountainhall »

I did not realise how true the above cnn article was until I found this article in the Jakarta Post dated just two years earlier. It provides an historical outline of the milestones achieved in LGBT acceptance since the 1960s decade by decade.
Indonesia'€™s lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) advocacy movement has come a long way since the 1960s . . . The era after the 1998 reform was the dawn for more political LGBT organizations . . . After the reform era, LGBT organizations could get more political,'€ the director of LGBT rights group Suara Kita, Hartoyo, said on Monday [June 29 2015] ... PcbZz.dpuf

From acceptance and encouragement to gays being "exhausted and horrified", with hate spreading fast, calls for criminalisation of gays and a government minister talking of the LGBT movement as akin to "a nuclear war", how the country has changed! I will go nowhere near it again.
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Re: Indonesia travel alert

Post by Gaybutton »

Another fun place to visit. Only canings? Why? What's wrong with lynchings . . . ?

"done before large crowds" - Unnnnnbelievable! Here we are in 2018 and this shit still happens. Is it free or do they sell tickets?

I can just hear it - "Megwati!! Hurry up! We'll be late for the caning."

Indonesia's Aceh canes couples for public shows of affection

20 Apr 2018

BANDA ACEH, Indonesia: Indonesia's deeply conservative Aceh province on Friday caned several unmarried couples for showing affection in public and two women for prostitution before an enthusiastic audience of hundreds.

The canings were possibly the last to be done before large crowds in Aceh after the province's governor announced earlier this month that the punishments would be moved indoors.

The caning last year of two men for gay sex before a baying mob drew attention to Aceh's increasingly harsh implementation of Shariah law and a wave of condemnation.

The women accused of prostitution were caned 11 times each. One of the women held up her hand after the fifth lash, signalling the pain was too intense. She was given a drink and the strokes resumed despite her evident discomfort.

The six young people accused of flirtatious behaviour received between 11 and 22 strokes. Shariah police wanted to convict them of adultery, which would've resulted in a greater number of lashes, but lacked enough witnesses.

Some residents of Aceh, the only province in Muslim-majority Indonesia to impose Shariah law, are opposed to having the canings performed inside prisons. About a thousand people protested outside the Banda Aceh mayor's office on Thursday. They say hiding the canings will reduce the deterrent effect.

Historically, Aceh, located at the tip of the island of Sumatra, was the first region of the Indonesian archipelago to adopt Islam after contacts with Arab traders from as early as the 8th century. Its implementation of Shariah law was a concession made by the central government in 2001 as part of efforts to end a decades-long war for independence.

Human Rights Watch has dismissed the change to indoor whipping as cosmetic and called for Aceh to abolish caning and the laws that allow it. It says caning remains a form of torture whether it is done in public or not.

Story, photos, and video: ... -affection
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