Obama at the UN - The Rights of Gays

Anything and everything about gay life anywhere in the world, especially Asia, other than Thailand.
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Obama at the UN - The Rights of Gays

Post by Gaybutton »

"No country should deny people their rights because of who they love, which is why we must stand up for the rights of gays and lesbians everywhere."

President Obama spoke those words today, 25 September, as part of his address to the United Nations. As far as I know, until now President Obama has used the 'who they love' phrase quite often, but I believe this is the first time he has publicly and specifically said 'gays and lesbians.' I hope that sentence takes on real power. The President of the United States not only saying the world must stand up for the rights of gays and lesbians, but saying it to the UN, essentially saying it to the entire world.

Bravo Obama!
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Re: Obama at the UN - The Rights of Gays

Post by lvdkeyes »

Go Barack!

Re: Obama at the UN - The Rights of Gays

Post by DeE »

Statements from Governor Romney:

"Mr. Romney... He supports Federal legislation that would prohibit discrimination in the workplace against homosexuals but opposes legalizing gay marriages." (NY Times, Oct. 25, 1994)

The New York Times - THE 1994 CAMPAIGN: MASSACHUSETTS; 'Perfect Anti-Kennedy' Opposes the Senator

''A letter he wrote to a pro-gay organization [during his 1994 senate race] also surfaced, in which Romney said he supported "full equality for America's gay and lesbian citizens." ...

''In a recent interview in his corner office at his campaign headquarters, Romney sticks by his position condemning discrimination against gays and lesbians.

'' "I can tell you this, which is I believe gay individuals should enjoy tolerance and respect," Romney says. "They should have equal opportunities in housing and employment. We shouldn't discriminate against people based upon their sexual preference or orientation."

The Tee-Shirt you see that states " SAME SAME BUT DIFFERENT" is closer to the truth between these two bought and paid for snakes.

For me, I'd much rather have an idiot Mormon jacking me off than a fu*king Mooslum---but that's just me.
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Re: Obama at the UN - The Rights of Gays

Post by lvdkeyes »

What makes you buy into the idea that Obama is a "Mooslum"? He repeatedly has said he is Christian. If Americans want a Christian president, Romney is NOT the choice then, since Mormons are not Christians.
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Re: Obama at the UN - The Rights of Gays

Post by Bob »

DeE wrote: I'd much rather have an idiot Mormon jacking me off than a fu*king Mooslum---but that's just me.
If this comment was meant to be humorous, you missed the mark; however, if the comment was meant with any level of seriousness, you're both factually wrong about Obama's religious preference and, in my opinion, you're expressing a totally moronic position suggesting that anybody ought to vote for or against anybody based on his/her religious beliefs.

Re: Obama at the UN - The Rights of Gays

Post by shamahan »

Bob wrote:
DeE wrote: I'd much rather have an idiot Mormon jacking me off than a fu*king Mooslum---but that's just me.
If this comment was meant to be humorous, you missed the mark; however, if the comment was meant with any level of seriousness, you're both factually wrong about Obama's religious preference and, in my opinion, you're expressing a totally moronic position suggesting that anybody ought to vote for or against anybody based on his/her religious beliefs.
That is that rare occasion where I agree with Bob. Indeed, the previous two posts are pretty moronic. But I would go further by suggesting that those who vote for Obama based on his support of gay marriage only are equally wrong. Romney is not homophobic and he is not going to support the idea of discrimination based on sexual orientation. On the contrary, many people argue that Obama made a cynical move to attract gay voters by flip flopping on this issue. Especially, taking into consideration that it does not change anything for American gays in practical terms. While gay marriage may become a reality in many places in the world, it is not going to happen in America on Federal level any time soon.
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Re: Obama at the UN - The Rights of Gays

Post by RichLB »

DeE wrote:For me, I'd much rather have an idiot Mormon jacking me off than a fu*king Mooslum---but that's just me.
Let's see... Today, Obama is being called a Muslim by the right wing and last time around he was being condemned for being a follower of Christian reverend Jeremiah Wright. Sort of reminds me of Romney. One day he spouts one position and the next day he says just the opposite.
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Re: Obama at the UN - The Rights of Gays

Post by Gaybutton »

Just for the sake of argument, suppose Obama really is Islamic after all, but has been hiding it all this time. Has he done anything as President of the United States to indicate any preferential treatment for Muslims or Islamic countries? If he has, I missed it.

I think it is a mistake to in any way base one's decision as to which candidate to vote for based on their religion. For those of us old enough to remember, when John F, Kennedy was running for President many were reluctant to vote for him because he was Catholic and thought if he was President, then he would come under the influence of the Pope. It didn't happen.

I base my decision on their past records, their stance on issues, what their political party stands for, and what I think they will do, or at least try to do, as President. Their religion doesn't fit into my equation at all. Neither does their private sexual lives, their ethnic origins, their campaign commercials and ads, or anything else irrelevant to the kind of President I think they will be.

Re: Obama at the UN - The Rights of Gays

Post by bbillybb »

Well I think I just better run for president since I dont have any religion and then people would have to vote for me. Oh wait! I'm gay so how can they vote for me now? So now they've got to decide if they want no religion or gay. I dont think they can decide. Oh well I better pull out then. Of the race that is. :lol: :lol:

When you come down to it all, it seems to me that Romney appears to attempt to evade the direct questions with unclear and specific answers< That tells me he wants to sidetrack points. Our President is much more pointed in his answers, like them or not.

I show my bias but I never have found Republicans the least but endearing to those of lesser "nobility" than themselves...ie the 47%. Doesn't that just tell you something of who he really is? :oops:
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Re: Obama at the UN - The Rights of Gays

Post by lvdkeyes »

Just for the record, I never said anyone should vote based on a candidate's religion. So I am not moronic, thank you.
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