Another Sexual Molester for the US Supreme Court?

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Re: Another Sexual Molester for the US Supreme Court?

Post by Gaybutton »

fountainhall wrote:I think he's toast.
I certainly hope you're right and I'm wrong. We'll know soon enough.

Again, my concern if Kavanaugh is rejected, what asshole will Trump nominate next? To me it's the same as Trump getting impeached, convicted, and removed from office. While that would be a very satisfying moment, it wouldn't last very long once Mike Pence takes the oath of office.

Once again, who was worse - Hitler or Stalin?

Re: Another Sexual Molester for the US Supreme Court?

Post by fountainhall »

I had to get to bed before Kavanaugh gave his testimony. But I kept the television on and found what I was hearing kept me awake for an extra 90 minutes or thereabout. As he started, I thought this WAS Clarence Thomas only with a higher-pitched, less controlled voice! The anger, the reputation being ruined, the disgraceful process . . . and then he turned maudlin, his voice wavered, he began to cry, he talked about liking beer in his student days - he still likes beer, "don't you?" . . . and then after an interminable time of sniffling, almost grovelling self-pity, he raised the pitch again and directed an outright, warlike invective against the Democrats and their tactics to destroy him.

I felt it was an amazing performance - amazingly naive, stupid given the circumstances and an openly partisan performance from a man who is not supposed to show any bias to left or right. I could not help wondering what this man would be like on the Supreme Court. There was no gravitas, no measured argument, no self-control. How could this beer-loving individual who loves mentoring the young female clerks he fills his chambers with and who listed endless testimonies from women he has associated with throughout his more recent career be qualified to sit on the highest Court in the USA. He filibustered his answers to many Democrat questions and kept diverting the focus as he had done during the confirmation hearings. Republicans who had been cringing after Dr. Ford's testimony, must by then have been wondering who would replace him as Trump's pick.

And then the tide turned. Lindsay Graham, whom I have never liked and whose loving friendship with John McCain I could never figure out, got the Chairman to change the agreed procedure. Instead of the sexual crimes prosecutor asking the questions for the Republican members, Graham ignored that ineffective lady and launched into his own loud and vicious diatribe against the accusation (she no doubt suffered the abuse but she was mistaken about who perpetrated it) and in praise of Kavanaugh. His was an equally extraordinary performance - passionate, belligerent, take-no-prisoners. He was without doubt Trump's bulldog determined to banish the doubt about Kavanaugh, and he never let up. That seemed to give heart to Kavanaugh and start to move the pendulum - and I must thereafter have fallen asleep! Now I have to catch up!
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Re: Another Sexual Molester for the US Supreme Court?

Post by Gaybutton »

fountainhall wrote:she no doubt suffered the abuse but she was mistaken about who perpetrated it
I'm certain Graham is right. It wasn't Kavanaugh. It was just somebody who looked just like him - and remains nameless to this day.

Outrageous! One thing I would never do is vote for any Congressman or Senator who casts a vote in favor of appointing Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

Kavanaugh cries about how it's destroying his career, his reputation, his family, and he is in Hell because of this.

Maybe Kavanaugh needs to take Harry Truman's advice: "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen."
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Re: Another Sexual Molester for the US Supreme Court?

Post by Captain Kirk »

Based on the one testimony from the victim, my sense is that he'll still be appointed. Comes back to the one major flaw - there is no actual evidence, no corroboration. I know that doesn't make any difference if you're black and poor....but a rich whitey? Would also say that the guy who appears to be leading the proceedings was a disgrace, always referring to the lady as "she" or "her" rather than use her name.
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Re: Another Sexual Molester for the US Supreme Court?

Post by Undaunted »

"In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king"

Re: Another Sexual Molester for the US Supreme Court?

Post by fountainhall »

Who'd have thunk it? CNN has just interviewed a former Yale Law School classmate of Kavanaugh who has stated he was lying under oath yesterday about his drinking excesses and the meaning of the terms in his diary. She is prepared to testify to the FBI under oath as she believes no perjurer should be on the Supreme Court.

I believe my toaster is heating up!
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Re: Another Sexual Molester for the US Supreme Court?

Post by Gaybutton »

fountainhall wrote:CNN has just interviewed a former Yale Law School classmate of Kavanaugh who has stated he was lying under oath

"And I have to say - I fear for the future."
- Brett Kavanaugh

Well, Mr. Kavanaugh, I have to say - if you do become a Supreme Court justice, so do I.


Re: Another Sexual Molester for the US Supreme Court?

Post by fountainhall »

Looking ahead, with accusers coming forward about his having lied under oath about the degree of his drinking, never backing out and other issues, let alone witnesses like Mark Judge having to face an FBI interrogation, the chances have to be that the FBI Report will have to include these. That being the case, the assumption has to be that his nomination cannot proceed. But it also raises another question - can he continue in his present job on the second highest Court in the land? If a Judge is proved to have lied under oath, does that not automatically mean disbarment? If so, then to save his career my crystal ball tells me he will withdraw his nomination.
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Re: Another Sexual Molester for the US Supreme Court?

Post by Captain Swing »

I sincerely hope your crystal ball is better than mine. Mine says that, absent actual videotape of the encounter, in a week or two he will be ceremoniously sworn in as our newest Supreme Court Justice.
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Re: Another Sexual Molester for the US Supreme Court?

Post by Gaybutton »

Captain Swing wrote:I sincerely hope your crystal ball is better than mine.
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